
Account Standing & Reporting Users

Brief Overview and Notes

  • All users upon account creation will be in good standing.
  • We have done as much as possible to ensure that users are real people. We do not fill the user base with bots. That being said, it is impossible to stop people from creating fake accounts. If you are ever suspicious that someone is faking their identity on Tokee, please report the user and our team will reach out to you before coming to a decision.
  • Only talk to users that are already a part of your phone contacts to avoid being scammed.
  • If a random user somehow adds you as a friend and starts to chat with you. Never give out your personal information whether it be in the form of text nor pictures.

How to Report Users

  1. Tapping on a users profile picture from the chat screen will open up a screen with multiple options:
    • Mute
    • Lock Chat
    • Hide Chat
    • Block Chat
    • Report
    • Delete Chats
  2. In this case, tap Report and you will be able to send a report. Please fill out your reason for reporting a user before tapping Report.


  • If it turns out that you are reporting a user that does not violate Tokee’s Terms & Conditions / User Agreement, then we will take no action towards the reported user.
  • If we notice that you are constantly reporting users without justifiable cause, we will have no choice but to ban you.
  • Once a user is banned, the phone number that that user used to create their account will never be able to join again. Once banned, the account is no longer accessible.

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